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Interaction between Black and White Rhino

New User

Posts: 2
Mar 3rd - 12:48

Posted: Mar 3 2013, 01:01 PM
I was photographing a White Rhino in Etosha National Park busy having a mud bath, when from the opposite side a Black Rhino appeared.

Much to my astonishment the two rhinos walked towards each other and rubbed their horns in greeting..

I could not believe what I saw, as normally they avoid and ignore each other.

The White Rhino displayed extreme aggression minutes before when another White Rhino approached.

Is it as rare a sighting i think it is. I've been a wildlife photographer for many years. Never seen anything like it. I was in tears photographing them. It only lasted a moment, and i have 4 photos of the unbelievable event.

Have this been recorded before?

New User

Posts: 2
Mar 3rd - 12:48

Posted: Mar 3 2013, 01:23 PM
White and Black Rhinos greeting

User Attached Image Download White_and_Black_Rhino_greeting.jpg ( Number of downloads: 1820 )


New User

Posts: 2
Aug 17th - 10:15

Posted: Apr 15 2016, 09:07 AM
I have seen the two species of rhino meeting like this a few times before in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve. There was not any aggression and the met calmly head to head, smelled each other and moved off calmly. They actually would diverted their lines of walking once they'd spotted each other, to meet up and "greet" or "check out" each other like this.

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